Hypernet of Things 


27th-28th November, 2024

WTC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

Connecting The Future

Happy Odoo Anniversary!

As promised, we will offer 4 free tickets to our next summit.
Visit our Facebook page to know if you are one of the lucky winners.

Countdown is over - Firework


HoT 2024

Hypernet of Things 2024 Conference & Expo will present its 4th edition with a 2-day Conference for experts and IoT solution providers, and telcos, to exchange ideas with end-users and potential customers on deploying IoT for overall efficiency, increased productivity, sustainability and competitiveness. Whilst the Expo will provide the ambience for manufacturers and producers of sensors, components, hardware & software, 5G cellular services, drones, robotics, artificial intelligence, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), 3D printing, and many others, to showcase their capabilities and intervention strategies

Learn more

"With the amalgamation of IoT, AI & 5G, new enhanced customer experiences, digital services & business models will be created, operating in a fully autonomous & context aware environment creating the Hypernet of Things!"


Coming together of thought leaders, CIO's, policy makers, decision makers, stakeholders & customers


IoT, AI, 5G, Big Data, Cloud, RPA, EV , Smart Cities, Smart Manufacturing, Agritech, Smart Mobility


a borderless world, bridging the physical & digital & the metaverse

Conference delegates
Exhibitors from Malaysia IoT Association & eco-system partners
Presentation & panel sessions from IoT domain experts

Our mission

To Champion & realize the full potential of IoT as part of Malaysia’s digital economy , empowering towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


What we do

  • Promote investments, use applications of IoT
  • To be the forum for IoT entrepreneurs, researchers, CIOs & policy makers for sharing ideas & expertise in latest IoT technologies
  • To harmonize & promote partnerships in software, hardware & platform services
  • Promote local IoT companies at the global level
  • To help industries in their digital transformation journey using IoT

About MyIoTA

Malaysia Internet-of-Things Association  

works together with industry players , government agencies & start-ups to develop a thriving IoT eco-system for companies adopting & providing IoT solutions & services  

Things are getting HoT!  book your exhibition booths now!

Join us for the IoT event of the year

Join us

Largest IoT eco-system in Malaysia

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